In order to meet any request made by their clients, the team at AB Asesores is made up of highly qualified and specialised lawyers and engineers who are continuously training. The team at AB Asesores includes Official Spanish Industrial Property Agents, European Patent Agents as well as Official Representatives before the EUIPO (European Union Intellectual Property Office) to register European Union Trademarks and Community Design/Model, and Official Representatives before the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Office).
The company also has its own Technical Office made up of engineers and graduates with different specialties who analyse and draft our clients' patent specifications.
We provide face-to-face and direct customer service, which is centrally managed through the work teams involved: trademark department, technical department, foreign department, legal services, etc.
Founding partners
- D. Miguel Veiga
- Dª. Diana Talarewitz
- D. Javier Arruiz
- D. Jose Domingo García
- D. Luis Buceta
* Honorary president.
* Official Spanish Industrial Property Agent.
* European Patent Agent.
* Law graduate from the Complutense University of Madrid.
* Lawyer.
* Doctorate in Political, Economic and Commercial Science from the Complutense University of Madrid.
* Diploma in Psychology and Sociology from the Complutense University of Madrid.
* University professor in the Information Sciences Department at the Pontifical University of Salamanca.
* Civil servant of the Administrative and Technical Department of the State Administration.

Mikel Veiga Serrano
- Law graduate from the University of Deusto
- Lawyer of the Vizcaya Bar Association with No. 6040
- Postgraduate course in Industrial Property at the Technical University of Madrid
- Official Industrial Property Agent of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade, registered in the Official Association of Intellectual Property Agents (COAPI)
- Registered before the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office SPTO in the Special Registry for Industrial Property Agents
- Registered before the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
- Registered before the World Intellectual Property Office WIPO
- Certified as a Senior Advisor in Intangible Asset Management Consultancy by the School of Industrial Organisation (EOI Business School-Ministry of Industry)
- Member of the International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property - AIPPI

Miguel Veiga
- Technical Director.
- European engineer and member of FEANI (European Federation of National Engineering Associations).
- Professor at the School of Engineering of San Sebastián (TECNUN), at the University of Navarra, for the Industrial and Intellectual Property course.
- Certified as a Senior Advisor in Intangible Asset Management Consultancy by the School of Industrial Organisation (EOI Business School-Ministry of Industry).
- Speaker at over 80 Conferences and Courses relating to Industrial Property.
- Industrial Technical Engineer from the University of the Basque Country.

Juan Sánchez
- Partner of AB ASESORES
- Engineering degree from the Alfonso X el Sabio University in Madrid
- Technical Industrial Engineer specialised in Electrical Engineering at the Public University of Navarra
- Postgraduate course in Industrial Property at the Technical University of Madrid
- Official Industrial Property Agent of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade, registered in the Official Association of Intellectual Property Agents (COAPI)
- Registered before the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office SPTO in the Special Registry for Industrial Property Agents

Jordi Riera
- Industrial Property Advisor.
- Technical Industrial Design Engineer from the Elisava Design School of the Pompeu Fabra University.
- Specialisation Course in Operative Innovation Management (UdG).
- CFS in Management and Marketing from the Open University of Catalonia (UOC).

Gonzalo Sever
- Legal Advisor.
- Law graduate from the University of Deusto.
- Lawyer of the Vizcaya Bar Association with No. 3536.
- Diplomado en Comercio Exterior por el ICEX.Diploma in Foreign Trade from ICEX (Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade).

Álvaro López de Larrinzar
- Industrial Property Advisor..
- Diploma in Business Sciences from the University of La Rioja.

Juan Herrera
- Legal Advisor.
- Law graduate from the University of Granada.
- Lawyer of the Granada Bar Association with No. 2102.

María Jesús Torres
- Administration.
- Administrative Technician FP II.

Raquel Bravo
- Legal Advisor.
- Law graduate from the University of Deusto.
- Lawyer of the Vizcaya Bar Association with No. 7064.
- Member of the Intellectual and Industrial Property Work Group of the Vizcaya Bar Association.

Ainhoa Arrieta
- Trademark Consultant.
- Diploma in Secretarial Management from the University of Deusto.
- CIT (Cambridge Information Technology).

Alberto Nieto
- Patent Advisor
- Technological surveillance and Competitive Intelligence
- Industrial Technical Engineer, Specialty of Chemistry at the UPV

Aleix Marti
- Patent Advisor
- Industrial Engineer at the Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona

Alejandro Rodriguez
- Patent Legal Advisor
- Graduate in Law from the University of Valencia

Alexis Urcelay
- Trademarks Advisor
- Graduate in Business Administration and Management at the UPV
- Diploma in Business Sciences

Álvaro González
- Administration
- Senior Technician in Administration and Finance

Andrea García
- Patent Advisor
- Graduated in Mining and Energy Technology Engineering at the UPV
- Master in Audit and Quality Management

Andrea Martinez
- Patent Advisor
- Graduated in Mechanical Engineering at UPNA

Berta Sanz
- Accounting department
- Degree in Market Research and Techniques
- Diploma in Business Sciences

Desirée Manzano
- Administration.
- Administrative Assistant, Computer and Internet course through the Government of Catalunya.

Eder Argüello
- Patent Advisor
- Industrial Technical Engineer in Construction and Machine Design from the University of the Basque Country UPV / EHU
- Comprehensive Product Design Course (Ecodesign)

Guillermo Lopez
- Administration Department of Foreigners and Department of Patents
- Degree in Business Administration and Management (UPV / EHU)
- Mention in General Management and Human Resources

Iñigo Iraizoz
- Administration manager Pat. Dpt.
- Senior Technician in Administration and Finance
- Certified in Workplace Risk Prevention

Jaime Soto
- Legal Advisor
- Degree in Law from the University of Deusto
- Máster in European and Global Law at Pompeu Fabra University
- Master's Degree in Law by the UOC

Leyre Leguina
- Administration.
- Diploma in Secretarial Management from the University of Deusto.

Luis Dugo
- Legal Advisor.
- Law graduate from the Faculty of Law, Economic and Business Sciences at the University of Córdoba.
- Lawyer of the Lucena Bar Association with No. 9369.

Maider Jule Camarero
- Foreign Department Administration
- Graduated in Economics
- Diploma in Accounting
- Higher Course in International Trade

Maite Fuente
- Administration manager, Foreign Dpt.
- Diploma in Secretarial Management from the University of Deusto.

Marian Arribas
- Administration, Foreign Dpt.
- Diploma in Secretarial Management from the University of Deusto.
- Certified in Euro secretarial sciences.
- C.O.U. in Arlington High School (New York State – USA).

Mercedes Moreno
- Administration.
- Administrative Technician FP II.

Merche Hornos
- Administration manager, Trademark Dpt.
- Trademark Consultant.
- Management technician.

Patricia Imaz
- Administration.
- Social Studies Graduate.

Rosa Hornos
- Administration, Foreign Dpt.
- Management technician.

Santiago Grijelmo
- Legal adviser
- Graduated in Law from the University of Deusto
- Master's Degree Access to the Legal Profession + Business Law
- LLM Intellectual Property & Information Technology Law from University College Dublin

Yadira Del Carmen Freites
- Legal Advisor
- Graduate in Law at Central University of Venezuela